Why Arabs Terrorists Attacking Israelis and Jews and force Israel to attack the Arabs Terrorists?
Because Every other country was destroying Gaza long time ago!
The Arabs in Gaza choose Hamas. The Hamas control all Gaza. The Hamas reign shooting on Israel and our children and people thousands of rockets for years - to get maximum dead - and some stupid people - said Israel act wrong?
About HAMAS terrorists from the news:
Report: Hamas stealing aid supplies to sell to residents
Hamas use children in Gaza as human shield
IDF: Mortars fired from bombed school
Hamas fire Rockets from schools, mosques, and private houses.
Hamas put Rockets, weapons and explosives in houses
Hamas Get support from Iran and Syria.
Where Hamas leader is Khaled Mashaal lives ? - Syria
* Palestinian groups: Egypt's Gaza ceasefire plan not valid
Groups based in Syria, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, see 'no valid basis in the Egyptian plan for a solution to the crisis' since it is 'a threat to the resistance and the Palestinian cause'
Gaza Arabs Terrorists HAMAS launch mortar shells from SCHOOL toward Israeli cities
Gaza Arabs Terrorists Using Civilians as Human Shields
Islamic media: Hamas using Gaza children as human shields
Since six day war in 1967 until Oslo agreement in 2000, wasn't shut even a single rocket.
And in continue Rockets shutting were:
Year # of Rockets from Gaza
2001 4
2002 35
2003 155
2004 281
2005 destroying GUSH KATIF and evacuation IDF from Philadelphi line
(border between Gaza and Egypt)
2005 955 (mostly after evacuation)
2006 1,777
2007 2,807
2008 3,520
The Arabs in Gaza got from Iran long distance rockets that land in more cities in Israel and about 1,000,000 people in that range.
The Arabs in the land of Israel include in Gaza made suicide attacks for years against ordinary people in Busses, Cafes, etc.
And by the way, the same radical Islam make this in INDIA, IRAQ, U.S.A, U.K, etc.
Before Hamas, Arabs in Israel made Terror against civilians too by PLO (PLO established in May 1964, Before six days War in 1967 ) and other terrorist organizations. Those Arab terrorist organizations get support from Arabs countries and others, instead to develop them in Arabs countries.
Arabs in Israel kill Jews before the state of Israel and push the British mandate, authorization received by Britain to govern the land now known as Israel (1922-1948) , not to save the Jews from holocaust in Europe.
See: Exodus 1947
See: The Hebron Massacre of 1929
If the Arabs want peace will be peace.
The Arabs live in 22 Countries bigger together then Europe.
The Arabs in Israel live better then the Arabs in Syria and many other Arabs countries, and by the way, before 1987 – the Intifada and their Terror they lived even better! (And was no barrier) Ask them!
Compare The Arabs in Israel in education, freedom of speech, standard of living, freedom of religion, etc… to every other Arab country!
Before Hamas Arabs in Israel made Terror against civilians too by PLO (PLO established in May 1964, Before six days War in 1967 ) and other terrorist organizations. Those Arab terrorist organizations get support from Arabs countries and others, instead to develop them in Arabs countries.
But they want to kill anyone that is not like them...
Can you tell me why?
We all humans – from Adam and Eve and Arabs and Jews are children of Abraham
In Human body the hand doesn't want to be Leg, and ear doesn't want to be an eye, and etc… every part has a purpose. So why all have to be Muslims/Arabs?
The Koran based on the Hebrew Bible - the Hebrew we talk in Israel...and in the Bible for every person - there are only basic moral commandments e.g.: honor thy father and thy mother, thou shalt not steal, and etc… and some only to Jews like: Keep the Sabbath, etc.
One of the basic rules in life is: treatment begets treatment
Who is Ibrahim in Quran and in the Holy Bible?
Some of It is written in the Quran too: Musa=Moses, Daud=David, Suliman=Solomon, etc.
Jews (name from Judea),The People of Israel lived in the Land of Israel and it is a promise of G-D !- (Kings Saul, David, Solomon) Israel-> Israel and Judea, 70 years of the Babylonian captivity, G-D rescue from Haman the Wicked in Persia, and back to the land of Israel by Ezra & Nehemiah, The years after Antiochus Epiphanies( Antiochus IV, Seleucid king of Syria and Mesopotamia) during the revolt led by Judah the Maccabee - Hasmoneans . Hanuka/Hanukkah - is for miracles from G-D to Jews during the revolt against Antiochus, Herod
Jews didn't force other people to be Jews, And didn't took others land, and said it's belong to them. The only land for Jews as sovereignty is the land of Israel, the borders written in the Bible and it is written before Christianity and before Islam and before "Palestinians". And by the way: without Judaism those 2 religions won't be valid because they based on Judaism.
This is a FACT that most of the Arabs in Israel , include Gaza, Judea and Samaria live BETTER then the Arabs in Syria and many other Arabs countries, and by the way, before 1987 – the Intifada and Arabs Terror they lived even better ! Ask them! (And by the way: wasn't any barrier!)
Judaism believes in live and let live.
Here the Ten Commandments from the Bible:
Exodus Chapter 20 1-14
1 And God spoke all these words, saying:
2 I am the LORD thy God, who brought
thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other
gods before Me.
3 Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven
image, nor any manner of likeness, of anything that is in heavens above, or that is in
the earth beneath, or that is in the water
under the earth;
4 thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor
serve them; for I the LORD thy God am a
jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children unto the third and
fourth generation of them that hate Me;
5 and showing mercy unto the thousandth
generation of them that love Me and keep
My commandments. {S}
6 Thou shalt not take the name of the
LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will
not hold him guiltless that taketh His name
in vain. {P}
Remember the shabbat day, to keep it
8 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy
9 but the seventh day is a shabbat unto the
LORD thy God, in it thou shalt not do any
manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy
daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy
maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
stranger that is within thy gates;
10 for in six days the LORD made heavens
and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested on the seventh day; wherefore
the LORD blessed the shabbat day, and
hallowed it. {S}
11 Honor thy father and thy mother, that
thy days may be long upon the land which
the LORD thy God giveth thee. {S}
12 Thou shalt not murder. {S} Thou shalt
not commit adultery. {S} Thou shalt not
steal. {S} Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbor. {S}
13 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor' s
house; {S} thou shalt not covet thy
neighbor' s wife, nor his man-servant, nor
his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass,
nor any thing that is thy neighbor' s. {P}
14 And all the people perceived the
thunderings, and the lightning, and the
voice of the horn, and the mountain
smoking; and when the people saw it, they
trembled, and stood afar off.
And Iran and Syria arming the Arabs in Gaza with weapons and etc., and such BIG counties and so care about the Arabs in Israel - so take the Arabs to Syria! And leave us alone
(Iran not Even Arab)
You can check some facts by yourself: http://earth.google.com
Jews didn't force other people to be Jews. But the Moslems fights from Arabian Peninsula to Europe, Africa and Asia and to force all others to be Moslems…
Some of them still see Spain as Muslim occupied territory…
And you can see: Hitler tried to destroy the world and moral, and Iran wants to destroy the world and make all Muslim…
The Arabs in Gaza shooting thousands of rockets for years - to get maximum dead in Israel and in cities like Sederot, Ashqelon, Ashdod, Be'er-Sheva and more.
Other Arabs make suicide attacks in buses, Cafes, and other public places
Imagine if they have more weapons...
Jews didn't force other people to be Jews, And didn't took others land, and said it's belong to them. The only land for Jews as sovereignty is the land of Israel, the borders written in the Bible and it is written before Christianity and before Islam and before "Palestinians". And by the way: without Judaism those 2 religions won't be valid because they based on Judaism.
Wasn't Any Palestine state before, And wasn't any Palestine people.
The name "province Palestine" created by the brutal Roman Empire in AD 70 After they destroyed "province Judea"
As you can see: Judaism believes in live and let live. Not forcing anyone be like us and not taking land that not belong to us
Have you saw the size of Gaza, Israel - and other countries like Syria?
Have you know that most of the Arabs there come from Syria, Iraq, Egypt and other counties to the land Israel?
Have you know the population in the 18th, 19th, 20th and now of Arabs in Israel?
Jews lived in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia for thousands of years, and never demand country.
The only land for Jews as sovereignty is the land of Israel, the borders written in the Bible and it is written before Christianity and before Islam and before "Palestinians". And by the way: without Judaism those 2 religions won't be valid because they based on Judaism.
Jews, the people of Israel have states in the Land of Israel and it is a promise of G-D! - (Kings Saul, David, Solomon) Israel-> Israel and Judea, 70 years of the Babylonian captivity, G-D rescue from Haman the Wicked in Persia, and back to the land of Israel by Ezra & Nehemiah, The years after Antiochus Epiphanies( Antiochus IV, Seleucid king of Syria and Mesopotamia) during the revolt led by Judah the Maccabee - Hasmoneans . Hanuka/Hanukkah - is for miracles from G-D to Jews during the revolt against Antiochus, Herod
Have you saw the size of Gaza, Israel - and other countries like Syria?
(Here one easy way: http://earth.google.com )
Here the Arabs in Gaza and in Israel - Most of them want all! You can read the convention of the HAMAS from 18 August, 1988
So if the Arabs in Israel want to destroy it - the minimum is to send them back to the country that support them and for now its Syria and Iran.
More Info:
From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine / by Joan Peters (Author)
And by the way: Have you looked around you in Europe, include Holland, France?
The Arabs live in 22 Countries bigger together then Europe,
and The Arabs in Israel live better then the Arabs in Syria and many other Arabs countries, and by the way, before 1987 – the Intifada and their Terror they lived even better! (And was no barriers)
Compare The Arabs in Israel in education, freedom of speech, standard of living, freedom of religion, etc… to every other Arab country!
But still The Arabs in Gaza choose Hamas. The Hamas control all Gaza. The Hamas reign shooting on Israel and our children and people thousands of rockets for years.
Before Hamas Arabs in Israel made Terror against civilians too by PLO and other terrorist organizations. Those terrorist organizations get support from Arabs countries and others, instead to develop them in Arabs countries.
Here some basic facts in history
1. The first Christians were Jews, include Jesus, and they suffer from the brutal Roman Empire that most of it population was taken as slaves.
2. By the Holy bible (You calling it: Old Testament, But G-D not changes promises) will be Messiah, and many Jews that time, wanted to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, but he wasn't and more Jews were crucified and slaughtered by the Romans.
3. By the Holy bible: After the Messiah will come – Won't be wars and the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, etc… – And that hasn't happen yet... So the Messiah hasn't come yet...
Until one Caesar decide that ALL the Roman Empire must be CHRISTIAN. His name was: Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus
So now Roman Empire with the new Christians in power start to force all the pagans, but the Jews too, to become Christian...
Anyway, Moral and monotheism have spread
5. You haven't mentioned the years Jews have states in the Land of Israel and it is a promise of G-D! - (Kings Saul, David, Solomon) Israel-> Israel and Judea, 70 years of the Babylonian captivity, G-D rescue from Haman the Wicked in Persia, and back to the land of Israel by Ezra & Nehemiah, The years after Antiochus Epiphanies( Antiochus IV, Seleucid king of Syria and Mesopotamia) during the revolt led by Judah the Maccabee - Hasmoneans . Hanuka/Hanukkah - is for miracles from G-D to Jews during the revolt against Antiochus, Herod
6. About the Moral level of not Jews that time:
6.1 Greece Hellenism…include orgies, homosexuality, use of children
6.2 Roman Empire - and all the influence of Hellenism, homosexuality, use of children, exchanging couples, gladiators fights until death, pagans, heathens, and idolaters were influence even worse in the Roman Empire… Caligula…
6.3 Other monarchies weren't much better
6.4 Even in Europe the feudal lord could took the new bride from the vassal for the night…
So In Talmud time and later it was the Reality, and the orthodox Jews scholar didn't want to be part of this!
And as you can see: when there no separation there is assimilation…
Because we all humans – from Adam and Eve
7. Jews didn't force other people to be Jews, But the European after get some technology - conquers Africa, South America, etc... And used and enslave and murder and other exploitation, and eventually the rest poor population redeemed by christening…
8. Jews didn't force other people to be Jews. But the Moslems fights from Arabian Peninsula to Europe, Africa and Asia and to force all others to be Moslems…
Some of them still see Spain as Muslim occupied territory…
And you can see: Hitler tried to destroy the world and moral, and Iran wants to destroy the world and make all Shiite believer Muslim…
And Iran and Syria arming them with weapon and etc., and such BIG counties and so care about the Arabs in Israel - so take the Arabs to Syria! And leave us alone
You can check some facts by yourself: http://earth.google.com or maps atlas
Jews didn't force other people to be Jews, And didn't took others land, and said it's belong to them. The only land for Jews as sovereignty is the land of Israel, the borders written in the Bible and it is written before Christianity and before Islam and before "Palestinians". And by the way: without Judaism those 2 religions won't be valid because they based on Judaism.
As you can see: Judaism believes in live and let live. Not forcing anyone be like us and not taking land that not belong to us
Do you know what sizes they are ?, etc.?
Screenshot from http://earth.google.com
Screenshot from http://earth.google.com
Gaza Arabs Rockets hit range until 2009-01-07 from http://www.oz.gov.il/NewsAndArticles/LocalNews/Pages/OrefLocal.aspx
From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine / by Joan Peters (Author)
Jews have states in the Land of Israel and it is a promise of G-D! - (Kings Saul, David, Solomon) Israel-> Israel and Judea, 70 years of the Babylonian captivity, G-D rescue from Haman the Wicked in Persia, and back to the land of Israel by Ezra & Nehemiah, The years after Antiochus Epiphanies( Antiochus IV, Seleucid king of Syria and Mesopotamia) during the revolt led by Judah the Maccabee - Hasmoneans . Hanuka/Hanukkah - is for miracles from G-D to Jews during the revolt against Antiochus, Herod
- The Early Days of the Jews (Josephus Flavius' historical work)
Josephus Flavius, (AD 37-100?, born as Joseph Ben Matthias) Jewish historian and military man who participated in the Jewish rebellion against Rome, author of "History of the Jewish War"
we all humans – from Adam and Eve and Arabs and Jews are children of Abraham
And Hitler May his name be blotted out, and the NAZIS want to kill all Jews and all Arabs because they Semitic.
adj. pertaining to the Semites; pertaining to the languages of the Semites; Jewish
n. family of languages spoken by Semitic peoples (includes Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Akkadian, Ethiopic, and Phoenician
It could be really nice if will be peace. See Europe: After centuries of wars - Now they like one big family...And U.S.A that unite and no Civil War (1861 - 1865)
About Neturei Karta orthodox Jews - I respect that they religious orthodox Jews and strongly believe in G-D,
But It written in the bible so many times and places that Jews should go back to their fatherland - The land of Israel!
In the Holy Bible - return of the people of Israel to the land of Israel is part of the Millennium.
It is not depend on arrival of the Messiah before.
We wait in any day the Messiah to come soon, but this another commandment.
You can read in the bible, include Psalms about it.
Here some more info.:
Israel is a miracle if you compare it to ~2000 years that it was ruin.
And Everything is from G-D. (Man can try but G-D decide if it will success)
And there many development in agriculture, electronics , software, and engineering , etc. that the people in Israel contribute to all (e.g. agriculture in the desert to Arabs countries, Africa)
We all humans – from Adam and Eve and Arabs and Jews are children of Abraham and It could be really nice if will be peace. See Europe: After centuries of wars - Now they like one big family...And U.S.A that unite
May be peace on Earth
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