Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Obama's Healthcare Plan What does it mean?

During the elections one of the things which lead to my decision to vote for Barack Obama was his Universal Healthcare for all Americans. But as I have done some research I have noticed that President Obama's plans to not include everyone and embraces an aspect of eugenics that was the core of the Nazi Regime under Hitler.
As I look at his advisors and as I peer at who his has put in charge of putting his healthcare plan into effect I have become fearful that America is slipping dangerously close to those days when the physically disabled, mentally challenged and terminally ill were forced sterilized or put to death in mercy killings. Some of you might scoff at my anonology but read on and research what I have compiled.

Let us look at who Barack Obama has chosen...

Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel, Special Healthcare Advisor to the Office of Managementand Budget. who in his 1998 paper written with Margaret Papst Battin "What are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide". And what does Margaret Papst Battin believe? well lets look at her writings "Should Healthcare be rationed by age?" (1987), "Choosing the time to die: The Ethics and Economics of Suicide in Old Age"(1987), amongst others which tell us that we should encourage our elders to kill themselves instead of getting treatment. Both Ezekiel Emmanuel and Margaret Papst Battin are fellows at the "Hastings Center" which likes to change the name of Mercy Killing.. or Eugenics into Assisted Suicide. And who else is part of this "Hastings Center" but the Veterans Administrations Chief research and development officer Joel Kupersmith!, Will they be using our soldiers and service members as their guina pigs? You think not then look at Margaret Battins paper "Phisycian Assisted Suicide - yes but in the VA?".

And what of the poor you might ask... We all heard of making our medical records electronic? guess who is in charge of that? Nancy Ann Parle from the cerna Corporation and who is now the Director of Healthcare Reform. You might ask what she did at Cerna? She was incharge of the Administration of a program which gave bonuses to doctors for denial of service for the poor and homeless at Cook County Bureau of health in Chicago. Where Doctors were encouraged not to give treatment if the patient had little or no chance of recovery.

And should we talk about Peter Orzag the current Director of Management and Budget who when he was the Director of Congressional Budget Office wrote repeatedly about "Quality Adjustment Life Years" of a petient.Orzag wrote that a life is worth between $50,000 to $100,000 depending on age, disease, disabilities etc... or basically the more disabled a person is and the older a person is the less we should spend on curing them or keeping them alive and that like in Nazi Germany lets with-hold medicine and treatment from the elderly.

Now lets look at Richard Thaler, President Obama's "Behavioral Economist" has written several papers including "The value of saving a life" (1974) and "Public Policy toward Lifesaving" (1982) in which he supports and promotes healthcare based on human value where Disabled, Chronically Ill and Mentally Challenged have less value then able bodied and those of sound mind. Seems close to if not the same as Eugenics a concept which is not only Un-American but Pro-Nazi.