Sunday, January 13, 2008

Boycott Roxy Night Club in Orlando Florida

Repost... please support and go to Facebook and join the boycott group
Greetings everyone. I’ll get to the point at hand.On the night of December 22nd, 2007 I went with a group of my friends to the Roxy night club located on Bennett in Orlando Florida. We showed them valid Florida ID’s showing that we were of legal age to enter the establishment. The bouncer asked us to produce ‘student ID’s’ which seemed a bit odd to all of us because they have never asked us this before. When we spoke to the manager he told us the same thing and asked us to step out of the line. We were all confused and a bit frustrated at this point. I had heard that there was a huge fight about 2 or 3 weeks before and The Roxy’s thinks that Asians started it, because of that I had heard that they were giving Asians a hard time getting in now. I knew that my group of friends had nothing to do with any of that so it bothered me a lot that we were being racially profiled and discriminated like that. We saw 3 more groups of people walk in with out even being asked to show any form of ‘student ID’ at that point we asked the manager “How come they got in? They didn’t show you any student ID.” The manager’s reply to us was this “This is our establishment and we reserve the right serve anyone we want.”

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